Cost of application form Rs.1000/-

  • Fill up the details in English in block letters
  • Read carefully the instructions given in the Appendix
  • For eligibility criteria, please visit PG Courses page
Please Upload Your Passport Size Photo not More then ( 150KB )
Please update your Passport Size Photo with White background.
Photos taken using mobile phones/ selfies/ different background are strictly not allowed and those applications will be rejected.

Please fill the Information Now
*2. Course Applied for
2nd Option
3rd Option
*3. Date of Birth
*4. Aadhar card number
*5. Gender
*6. Blood Group
*7.(a) Religion
*7.(b) Social Status
*7.(c) Fishermen Community
*8. Nationality
*9. Residential Status
*10(a). Name of the Father / Guardian
*10(b). Name of the Mother
*10(c). Passport (Mandatory for GME /ETO courses)
*11. Email ID
*12. Mobile No.of the Applicant
*13. Parent's / Guardian Mobile no
*14. Occupation of Father / Mother
*15. Father's / Mother's Annual Income
*16. Address for Correspondence
(Do not repeat the Name)
* 17. Permanent Address
(Do not repeat the Name)
18. Local Guardian
(Name/Address/Local PhoneNumber)
* 19. Whether Hostel Required
* 20. Sports Achievement
* 21. For Educational Qualification
Name of UG Course College University Year of Passing English Marks Percentage / CGPA
Specialisation (In UG Course)
*22. Specify Entrance Examination
Centre (Refer Website)
23. *a) How did you know AMET UNIVERSITY?

*b) Are you aware of the fee structure


I confirm to the best of my knowledge that the information given in this form is correct. If admitted to this course, I, also agree to abide by the rules and regulations of AMET University. I do agree to abide by the University Anti Ragging Regulations, as directed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.